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When people grow up they have dreams about what they want to be in life. Some dreams are general whilst others are quite specific. I remember that when I was at Primary School our teacher often asked us: “What do you want to be when you grow up? When we reached Secondary School the same question was asked by our teachers and very often our dreams would have changed to reflect a more mature and realistic appreciation of the world. In general some of responses included the following:


    A professional such as a Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Nurse etc.

What are the practical steps which organisations should take in order to implement an effective succession planning system and manage the “retirement crisis” mentioned above?

            To be continued under Part B of this article.

Emmanuel Jinda is the Managing Consultant of PROSERVE Consulting Group, a leading supplier of Professional Human Resources and Management services locally, regionally and internationally. He can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tel: 263 773004143 or 263 4 772778